
From my observation of many years, I found that print media is best suits for the target audience of my campaign which is the parents and other adults which have chances of interacting with kids. Not all adults know how to use computer and other digital devices such as my parents, and some might not have spare times searching the websites. Only print method can ensure that my target audience can see it and fully engage. Although print media is facing competition from smart phones, iPad, internet, social media and many other digital media, but we still need it for sure.

Advantage of Print Media


-” Magazines and newspapers can stay in house or offices for months of years, while internet asd can disappear into cyber space instantaneously.”(Newtek, 2012)
-”tangible, portable and moldable, it can be carried with a person without the need of technology.” (Barry, 2012)

-” Print ads are excellent for solidifying your brand identity. Your ads should have consistent aesthetic in terms of fonts, colour and types of images t establish brand recognition.” (Newtek, 2012)

More Engaging:
-”A person can feel the texture of the paper, turn the pages of a magazine, see the brilliant colors shine on the page of a high-gloss photography book.”(Barry, 2012)
-” COnsumer are more engaged when reading print material, unlike websites which are often skimmed in as little as 15 seconds visit.” (Newtek, 2012)
-”A study shows that people read digital screen text 20-30% slower than printed paper.”(Newtek, 2012)
-” Paper can be any size, shape or color, it can enhance an idea and become a work of art.” (Barry, 2012)
“A print piece can engage a person, interact with a person in ways the web cannot.” (Barry, 2012)

Less Print Ads
-”With more and more businesses relying solely on the Internet for their advertising needs, the decline of print publication can actually be used as a marketing advantage. The publications are less crowded, allowing more room for your ad to shine, and possibly even cheaper prices for that ad space.” (Newtek, 2012)

Stand Alone or Work with Digital Media
-”Print has the diversity of being able to stand alone or work with other media to create dynamic and effective multimedia marketing campaigns. The use of QR codes can drive traffic to websites in a quick and effective way.” (Barry, 2012)
-”Statistics show that campaigns that combine printed direct mail pieces with internet advertising yield up to a 25% higher response rate than using internet alone, according to the Direct Marketing Association” (Barry, 2012)

-”The saturatio of popups and banner ads on web can be overwhelming and the fear of spam and viruses is enough make people weary of clicking.” (Newtek, 2012)
-”Print has a credibility that the internet is lacking. There is an ease with print that you don’t get with onscreen text, a sense of being more trustworthy. In fact many studies have shown that print is still considered more credible than online material. This is because print is more permanent, it has to stand up over time, while the web is fluid, it changes, information can be rewritten very easily or even deleted.” (Barry, 2012)



Barry , A. ( 2012). Why Print Media Is Still Relevant In The Digital Age.[online]Available from http://www.mckinseydevelopment.com/blog/bid/161369/Why-Print-Media-Is-Still-Relevant-In-The-Digital-Age [Accessed 11 November 2013]

Newtek ( 2012) Print is dead? Not so fast.[online] http://www.forbes.com/sites/thesba/2012/06/28/print-is-dead-not-so-fast/%5BAccessed 12 November 2013].

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