
I had been researching about related campaign, posters etc related to children’s issue for more inspirations. They have variety of communication style such as convey message in direct or indirect ways, horror or in a funny and relax way, colourful or dull in colour etc.

Here’s a video of A moving message about human trafficking, which raise awareness of most of the victims are children and need to be save.

Kids On Track- Obesity Campaign

This campaign raise awareness of children’s obesity problem. I found it interesting by using a short story telling method in posters telling what will happen to the small and innocent kid in the future if they don’t take care of the kids’ health.

<b>Title:</b> Kids On Track&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><b>Agency:</b> Dr Foster Intelligence&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><b>Brand:</b> Obesity Awareness&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><b>Client:</b> NHS Birmingham East and North&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><b>Art Directors:</b> Lui Rogliano, Joanna Mawtus&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><b>Copywriter:</b> Huw Rowlands&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><b>Creative Director:</b> Joanna Mawtus&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><b>Illustrator:</b> Tim Bradford&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><b>Photographer:</b> Rankin&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><b>Typographer:</b> Karen Spinks&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><b>Account Supervisor:</b> Lucy Kennedy&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp; <b>Title:</b> Kids On Track&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><br /><br />
<b>Agency:</b> Dr Foster Intelligence&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><br /><br />
<b>Brand:</b> Obesity Awareness&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><br /><br />
<b>Client:</b> NHS Birmingham East and North&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><br /><br />
<b>Art Directors:</b> Lui Rogliano, Joanna Mawtus&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><br /><br />
<b>Copywriter:</b> Huw Rowlands&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><br /><br />
<b>Creative Director:</b> Joanna Mawtus&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><br /><br />
<b>Illustrator:</b> Tim Bradford&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><br /><br />
<b>Photographer:</b> Rankin&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><br /><br />
<b>Typographer:</b> Karen Spinks&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;<br /><br /><br /><br />
<b>Account Supervisor:</b> Lucy Kennedy&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;

DIESEL KIDS Autumn/Winter -‘innocence can be dangerous’

Well, this is just a fashion campaign but this provocative campaign with series of photographs is inspiring.

“It is often said that people regret the loss of childhood innocence, energy and imagination and for DIESEL KIDS latest fashion campaign, ACHIM LIPPOTH captures the conquest of adulthood by childhood”,”The kids had the time of their life doing stuff their parents normally wouldn’t allow, like climbing on a high roof top, tying up their friend or testing out magic tricks.”.

From the photos which kids are doing dangerous acts such as performing the magic trick of cutting a kid into half with a saw, it inspired me that kids are often influence by tv programmes, in this case, the magic tricks they saw on tv, and they will imitate, this is a serious problem cause of violence if parents are not beside them to tell them that it isn’t true and it is wrong to do it.

Some posters from Museum of Childhood, London:

the poster above reminds me that children is fast to absorb and learn things around them and we need to pay attention on what is around them.

“People don’t stop playing because they get old. They get old because they stop playing.” source:http://theinspirationroom.com/daily/2009/museum-of-childhood-for-parents-and-children/

“Looking at design from a different angle – A brilliant campaign to stop Child Abuse”

this is a smart campaign which only can be seen from kids angle. They mention about the how they make it work which just only viewable by children.

“They have used a technique called lenticular printing which means that they can show different images from different angles and so have added beating marks, a helpline and an additional supporting line of copy that can only be seen by people smaller than the average 10 year old’s height. The thinking behind this is that it will mean adults will not dissuade their children from calling the helpline or stop the children from looking at the poster.”

Singapore Childhood Games

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